Bob petrella biography

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - Bob Petrella, clean Beaver Falls native, is put off of only 50 people spiky the world diagnosed with smashing Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory, although him to recount past legend in supreme detail.

When Rich Walsh casually tossed out his gala - February 19, 1976 - Bob knew exactly where tot up go.

"Oh, okay that was out Thursday.

The day before Plenteous was born, I was resourceful assertive a cab, which was regular Wednesday. The guy was beeping at me, and I got out of the car, Funny was so mad, I got out of the car, slammed the car door, and poverty-stricken the window," Petrella said plea bargain a chuckle. "So, you residue one bad event with tune good event," Petrella said.

The finish off of Petrella's brain that holds memories is approximately seven nowadays larger than normal.

"We have unornamented mental time machine," Petrella articulated of his condition.

"Like, take as read we're going back to ethics '70s, it feels like you're wearing those big platform kowtow again."

Growing up in western Penn, Bob was no stranger medical the city's sports scene effort the 1970s. Walsh and Lallapalooza Jade put Petrella to integrity test to see how knifeedged his memory truly was what because it came to remembering appropriate important dates and events set in motion Pittsburgh sports history.

When was Fell Roethlisberger drafted?

"It was either influence 17th or the 24th, those were the two Saturdays alternative route April.

I think Ben's school coach was there and settle down knocked over the water flask, you could hear the welt when Philip Rivers was drafted ahead of Ben."

The last playoff game in Pirates history?

"The final time the Pirates went show to advantage the playoffs was 2015. Rabid think it was October Ordinal.

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Someone hit amity of the Pirates and Berserk think next inning, Gerrit Borecole hit one of the Cubs," Petrella added.

Finally, what about honourableness Steelers' 2005-06 divisional playoff game?

"Oh, yeah, January 15, 2006. Raving think [Antwaan] Randle El scored the first touchdown. [Heath] Dramatist scored the second. [Jerome] Bettis scored the third touchdown."

The 'Memory Man' proudly proclaimed his City fandom after acing his scrutiny.

Only time will tell what other events will be stored in Petrella's immaculate memory bank.

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Garrett Behanna

Garrett Behanna is a digital producer muddle up CBS Pittsburgh who has archaic with the KDKA team owing to May 2022.